Invest In Your Health



Helping people acheive their health and fitness goals for more than five years.

Success through accountability

1 on 1 Training

with Andrew Kose

Helping you find your own drive and motivation to develop healthy habits and lifestyle choices through macro/calorie guidance and customized work out programs designed specifically for you.

Focus on Your Goals

Online coaching and in person training sessions designed to help you achieve your desired goals. It doesn’t matter what someone else thinks you need – we want to focus on what you want to acheive and help you by providing some of the tools you will need to get there.


Our customized, user friendly app includes tools and features specifically tailored to your unique fitness goals, designed to help you grow your drive and meet your objectives. From nutrition, to weekly workout programs, the app guides and tracks your process every step of the way.


Exercise & Nutrition


Let's find your drive and motivation!


Determine your fitness goals


Personally tailored workout programs


Nutritional education


In person & online training via our app


Education - Encouragement - Accountability

Andrew Kose and Client

what They’re Saying

Client Testimonials

Andrew has completely transformed my fitness journey. Before I started training with him, I struggled with staying motivated and committed to my workouts, and I wasn’t seeing the results I wanted. But after just a few sessions with him, everything started to change.

Not only did Andrew create a personalized workout plan that was tailored to my goals and fitness level, but he also held me accountable and pushed me to reach my full potential. He constantly motivates and encourages me, even on the toughest days, and helps me to stay on track with my nutrition with his meal plans depending on your goals.

Thanks to Andrew’s guidance, I’ve not only achieved the physical results I was hoping for, but I also feel stronger, more confident, and more energized than ever before. He has truly gone above and beyond to help me reach my goals, and I’m so grateful for his support and expertise.

If you’re looking for a personal trainer who will help you achieve your fitness goals and empower you to become your best self, I highly recommend working with Andrew. He is the real deal, and I can’t thank him enough for all that he’s done for me.

Ryan Roxburgh

A Few years ago, I had just finished Chemo and contacted Andrew with some pretty significant limitations. I wasn’t able to climb the stairs in my house or even get down on the floor and play with my newborn daughter. He tailored a program that managed to get me moving and back in fighting shape.

The checkins and daily motivation he offered was a big factor in meeting my life goals. He was able to coach me back to where I was pre-cancer and maybe even healthier. He set realistic expectations and I believe he can get you to where you want to be, and (for me at least) he did all over the internet!

I can only imagine how intense he would be to train with in-person! Happy customer. Still train with Kose almost 4 years later

Kent Tarrant

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