
Andrew Kose
My Mission.

Kose Fitness Flyer
To help many people as possible through online coaching and in person training sessions achieve their desired goals.
I set out to help other people find their own drive and motivation, to show people that healthy habits lead to lifelong results. We achieve this through macro/calorie guidance and proper workout programs designed to help each client achieve their individual goals.

I enjoy helping people with all disciplines in the fitness world ranging from fitness competitions, improved lifestyle, as well as a variety of specific clientele such as post partum or disabled individuals.

I craft tailored workout programs for the space, equipment and timeframe clients have available. I also feel it is important to continue my nutritional education as well as my own person fitness goals including competing in 2023. I not only want to help people succeed but be the example and inspiration they may need along their fitness journey.

Woman with medicine ball

Strength Training

Strength training, also known as resistance training, is a form of physical exercise that involves using external resistance, such as weights or resistance bands, to improve muscular fitness and endurance. The primary goal of strength training is to increase muscle strength and mass, enhance bone density, and improve overall physical performance. Overall, strength training is an effective way to enhance physical performance and promote overall health and wellness.

Woman stretching


Mobility refers to physical movement and associated coordination of those movements. Working on simple gross motor movements, flexibility and fine motor movements should be a focus of any exercise regimen.

Weight Loss

The Mayo Clinic lists these as 6 strategies for weight loss success:

  1. Make sure you’re ready
  2. Find your inner motivation
  3. Set realistic goals
  4. Enjoy healthier foods
  5. Get active, stay active
  6. Change your perspective


Equipment Availability

At The Gym Or At Home

Whether you work out at home with limited equipment, or prefer a gym environment, we will work with you to create a plan that caters to your specific situation.

Working out at home offers convenience and privacy. You don’t have to worry about commuting to the gym or sharing equipment with strangers. Plus, you can work out whenever you want, without worrying about the gym’s operating hours. Home workouts can also be cost-effective, as you don’t have to pay for a gym membership or class fees. However, working out at home requires more discipline and motivation. Without the structure and atmosphere of a gym, it can be easier to skip workouts or lose focus. Additionally, home workouts may be limited by the equipment and space you have available.

On the other hand, working out at the gym can provide a more social and motivational environment. You can meet like-minded individuals and exercising around others can help keep you accountable and motivated. Additionally, the gym offers access to a wider range of equipment and facilities, such as weight machines, saunas, and steam rooms. However, going to the gym can be time-consuming and may require planning around your schedule. Plus, gym memberships and class fees can be expensive. Ultimately, the choice between working out at home or at the gym depends on personal preference, convenience, and fitness goals.

Andrew Kose

Andrew Kose Posing

Personal Trainer & Nutrition Consultant

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